Restorative Training Part 1 with Andrea
Check back for dates
Cost: $225
Part 1 of this training will focus on the experience of restorative yoga and how to create and hold space for others to enjoy their restorative experience.
We will discuss restorative yoga poses, as well as hands-on assists, guided meditations, breath and communication. Additionally, we will discuss the ways we as teachers, healers, guides and caregivers can take care of ourselves while teaching. Participants will walk away with the basics of restorative yoga, including a sampling of poses and techniques to include as a part of an active yoga class, or in healing and health care settings.
This training is appropriate for current teachers and those involved in the healing arts, caregivers and those interested in furthering their own practice. The training is intended for self-exploration while giving the practitioner foundations for teaching. Prior experience is not needed to join.
Restorative Training Part 2 with Andrea
Friday March 7 530pm Saturday and Sunday, March 8 & 9 12:15
Cost: $225
In part 2 of the training, we will explore in greater depth techniques to offer students as well as self-care for the teacher and practitioner. We will build upon part one through receiving further restorative yoga practices and an additional 8-10 restorative yoga shapes, modifications and hands-on assists. Students will have the opportunity to offer one another sessions followed by group discussion.
Taking both weekends will provide a stepping-off place to begin teaching restorative yoga classes as well as one on one sessions.